After viewing Rachael Ashwell's lovely ruffled tablecolths, I started dreaming of making one myself. I was pretty sure it was" one of those lovely to look at, but challenging" to make kind of projects.
Hmm.. what type of burlap to use..the type sold at Co-Ops and landscape supply stores which is cheaper, softer, and more of an open weave?
Or the more expensive Burlap sold in Fabric stores with a tighter weave and more stiffness?
In retrospect the landscape type would have ruffled better, but with the looser weave, we would have to use a backing fabric exactly the same colour as the burlap.
Lots of thinking along the way.
Not a project for a person with little patience! Thanks to my friend and client Lauren who gave us much of the insights into this project...she was making this tablecloth for the Head table for her son's Weddding Reception.
The ruffled burlap was too thick to get stitched with a regular Sewing she ended up hand basting the ruffles on in parts, and using stickon velcro to attach the ruffle to the cloth. Or you could use an industrial sewing machine instead.
I love the look of this, what do you think?
I'm just making these vintage Paper flowers, they go really well with the burlap.
For Shabby chic Weddings, visit The Camellia
30 Hacquoil Rd.
Thunder Bay, On
p.807) 475-3551