Friday, June 17, 2022

Take a break before your Wedding day, you will be glad that you did. The Camellia, Thunder Bay


outdoor massage table in tropics

There is a lot to get done when you are getting married. If you are both working full-time, and live in a different city from your family and friends, things can quickly become unmanageable. Taking a break before your Wedding day is a good idea Now that travel restrictions have lifted, maybe it's time to take that tropical vacay. It may just be what you both need.

person doing a foot massage

If you can't get away, book a Foot massage at your local Spa. You will feel so much better! Relaxing in a hot Bath will also help. It's amazing how much better you will feel, after practicing some self-care. So often we get caught up with the crisis-of-the-moment, and we neglect ourselves. 

person wide awake laying in bed

If you cannot sleep, because of all the Have-to-be-done-yet-details, give up trying to sleep, and do a brain dump. Write everything down on some paper, and then try and get back to sleep.  You Tube has some great sleep meditations. 

woman taking a nap with eye mask on

Laying down for a 30-minute Nap will do wonders. We hand-make these weighted Eye-pillows which you can use hot or cold. You will be able to function much better after a Nap. 

woman standing in field holding a Bridal bouquet

Here at The Camellia, we make Dried & Faux botanical wedding bouquets, boutonnieres and Corsages. If you would like to make your own Dried Flower bouquets, we stock Pampas grass, Bunny tails, fan palms and more. Do try to order ahead to ensure that we have the items that you will need.

preserved real roses at The Camellia
Just in! Real Roses that have been preserved..... no water needed!

dried fan palms at The Camellia

Just in! Dried Fan palms. 

Dried Bunny tails grown at The Camellia

We grow some of our own Dried flowers - like these Bunny tails. 

Dried and bleached quaking grass

These are Dried and bleached quaking grass. 

dyed oat grass at The Camellia

Oat grass, that has been dyed Pink. 

Dried grasses and Pampas Grass

Shop instore at The Camellia, 
30/32 Hacquoil Rd. Slate River, Ontario
Open Wednesday through Sunday. 
p 807-475-3551

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